Greater Boston Pistol League
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 Reading Rifle 

PO Box 212
Reading MA 01867-0312

Driving Directions

From Interstate 95 (Rt 128)

In Wakefield, take the Rt 129 Exit. This exit leads to a traffic rotary that circles under Interstate 95. From the rotary, take Haverhill St which is the first street from the north side of the rotary (NOT RT129). Pass Camp Curtis Guild and go approximately 1.2 miles north to the first traffic light and turn right on Range Rd. Follow Range Rd. passing the skating arena (It should be on your left.) and several companies to the security gate at the entrance to the club.

Note: If not familiar with finding this club, this can be tricky at night.

 Reading Rifle 
Reading Map1

 Reading Rifle 
Reading Map2

"Old Glory"


A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

site map Last updated:_  9/18/05